Scholastic Excellence has been established since 2004 inproviding exam-focused coaching for the NAPLAN, GATE and ATAR/ WACE in WesternAustralia only. WACE stands for Western Australia Certificate of Education.ATAR is a mark given to the students based on their best 4 subjects taken inthe WACE. Each Australia state has different exams but we only focus on the WAmarket.Students who come to us are from Year 5 to Year 12. Most of themcome to us for weekly classes in the term. We offer coaching in Maths andEnglish for Year 5 to Year 9 and these two subjects cover the major exams, suchas NAPLAN and GATE. Students in Year 10 onwards choose the subjects to studyfor their WACE and they prepare for them for Year 11 and 12. ScholasticExcellence offers coaching in Maths Applications, Maths Methods, MathsSpecialist, Chemistry, Physics and English.